Technology to Make Social Distancing Easier

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, many of us have discovered new ways to use technology to make social distancing easier.  We recently shared how we’re adapting to Ohio’s Stay at Home Order in our “What’s Happening” blog post.

Our Fall 2019 Client Education Workshop featured speaker John Diehl of Hartford Funds who spoke about the “8,000 Days of Retirement”.   Hartford Funds partners with the MIT Age Lab to research creative ways to use technology to improve the quality of life of older people and those who care for them.

As a continuation of that research, Hartford Funds recently posted the article “5 Ways Tech Can Make Social Distancing Easier”.  To help us adapt to our current way of living, they share links to resources to help you access the people, places, and things you may need or enjoy while you stay healthy and safe.

Click HERE to read Hartford Funds’  “5 Ways Tech Can Make Social Distancing Easier”



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