In recognizing that managing finances is simply the fuel to help you pursue your passions and spend time with the ones you love, we regularly share “What’s Happening at PDS” to let you know what our staff has been up to, both personally and professionally.


Kurt Brown and his wife, Megan, are expecting their second child, a girl, in September.  Luca (2) and family dog, Benson, are excited for their upcoming addition!

Laurie Licata is a grandmother for the second time!  Cooper Philip was born 2 weeks early on April 4th and weighed 4 lbs. 12 oz.  Laurie’s daughter, Lauren, and her husband, Hunter, are proud first-time parents.

Alyssa Anderson ran the Cap City Half Marathon on Saturday, April 27thLaurie Licata was also out on the course cheering for her daughter, Nicole, and Alyssa.

Drew Potosky and his fiancee, Liz, recently traveled to Hot Springs, NC where they will be married in August.  They finalized some wedding details and spent time with Drew’s parents.

Ciera Frazier and family are looking forward to moving into their new home in just a few short weeks after breaking ground last October.

Tom Ellison and family are busy enjoying finally being able to spend time outside whether it be at soccer, baseball, Cub Scouts, or doing yard work (and eventually bike rides).  Adam (8) attended his first Blue Jackets game, and Dean (4) loved seeing the big trucks at “Monster Jam”.

Shannon Sauer and family enjoyed a spring break vacation to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.

Rita Itsell traveled to Arizona in February to spend time with her family.  Here she is on a winter hike with her sister (she claims they’re not twins).

Dean Schuler coaches the youth wrestling team for Olentangy Liberty.  At the state tournament held in Youngstown, OH this March, two kids placed 3rd, and one placed 6th.  Overall, the team finished 10th in the state.

Jamie Menges attended an event hosted by Charles Schwab called ADVANTAGE.  This 3-day retreat facilitates discussions among firms of similar size from around the nation. The centerpiece of discussions was how to develop career paths for our professional staff and use that to create better service strategies for our clients. The conference was held March 6-8 in Phoenix, AZ.

Rita Itsell attended the Invest in Women conference April 29-May 1 in Atlanta, GA.  This forum focuses on issues that are meaningful for women financial advisors and female clients.  Keynote topics included a presentation by Dr. Bernice King (CEO of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change), Stanford University professor Dr. Laura Carstensen discussing her research with the National Institute on Aging and the Stanford Center on Longevity, and seminars covering various topics pertaining to women, wealth, and families.


Upcoming Events – Save the Dates:

We have the following upcoming client events scheduled for later this year.  Additional details to follow in the coming months.

Columbus Clippers Baseball Game: Thursday, August 1, 2019

Client Appreciation Day at the Columbus Zoo:  Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fall Client Workshop:  MIT Age Lab, Monday, October 21, 2019


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