PDS Planning Financial Planning Team of Jamie, Beth, and Luke

At PDS Planning, we believe in the power of a team approach to financial planning. Our philosophy centers on collaboration and synergy, recognizing that each member of our team brings a unique set of skills and expertise to the table. Our clients benefit from this collective wisdom as we work together to develop comprehensive financial plans tailored to your individual goals and aspirations. The financial planning team of Jamie Menges, Beth McCampbell and Luke Babner share more on how they work together to help their clients.

Why do you enjoy working for PDS Planning?

Beth – The people. Both the exceptional colleagues I get to work with and the wonderful clients we work for. We work hard, but we also know how to have fun together.

Luke – My colleagues and the clients we get to work with. Being at a small firm like PDS, you never feel like you can’t ask for help, everybody is more than willing to lend a hand. Every client I have met has been awesome! While building these relationships, being able to assist them in achieving their goals is incredibly rewarding.

Jamie – The relationships we get to have as a team here at PDS, and with clients. At the firm, getting the chance to help younger people and at the same time, learn from them is great. When a client relies on our counsel, it is very humbling, and we take that work seriously. Getting the opportunity to play an important role for someone else is always fun.

What is the most challenging part of your work? What do you personally enjoy about your work?

Beth – Having to transition from one thought to another on a dime. Often, I am working on one thing, but something else comes up that is more pressing and needs my attention. I do enjoy getting to work with so many different clients with different goals and circumstances, though. It challenges my mind and way of thinking.

Luke – Learning how the daily process makes PDS successful. Thankfully at this firm, we are surrounded by incredibly intelligent individuals who never fail to point me in the right direction. My favorite part of my role is the intellectual challenge. It seems like every day, I am learning something new and why we would use a strategy or process to benefit our clients.

Jamie – Every client is unique. Their circumstances are of course unique, but so too are the ways in which they process information and make decisions. Helping them understand the steps we take on their behalf, and allowing them to feel empowered by that knowledge, is not always easy. It requires us to really get to know each client, personally.

How would you describe your team’s way of working?

Beth – Collaborative with open communication.

Luke – Open communication and always willing to help. Being the newest member of our team, I have tried to fit in seamlessly. Direct communication of what is expected has made this process frictionless.

Jamie – Trust in the others they will do what is necessary to get the job done. For me, it’s making sure they always know when they ask for something, I am going to do it in a timely manner. Beth and I have worked together for several years now and I have seen firsthand the effort she puts forth to not only the task at hand, but learning opportunities presented on a regular basis. I’ve known Luke for years now and was thrilled to have him join us in February and knew we were getting a special person that would only add to the PDS team, and client experience.

How do you approach new ideas within your team?

Beth – Always welcome! It’s helpful to get new perspectives and perhaps become more efficient in a certain area.

Luke – With open arms! Since I started at PDS, it has been a well-known fact that any new ideas are encouraged and will be heard.

Jamie – We try to encourage others to always bring their ideas forth. It may be a more effective way to provide service, or a more technical planning concept we might consider for clients.

What does your team value in a colleague?

Beth – Trust. Knowing they will get the job down. I don’t have to worry about something getting completed, and that provides peace of mind to me and our clients.

Luke – Consistency. Doing what is said is going to get done builds trust in an organization.

Jamie – Unending thirst for knowledge so they can continue in their personal and professional growth. Trust so we know the other person is going do what they say they’re going to do, when they say they’re going to do it. Empathy, because every day is not always a person’s best day, and having colleagues who recognize that is vital to being authentic at the office.

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