PDS Planning Employee Spotlight – Karl Lemke

At PDS Planning, we constantly strive to attract exceptional, creative professionals to become part of our team. We are excited to present Karl Lemke, who has recently joined us as our latest Associate Planner.

Keep reading to get to know Karl!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born and raised in Chardon, OH. I attended high school there before obtaining my bachelor’s degree from Kent State University in 2020.


What brought you to PDS Planning?

Having had industry experience prior to joining PDS, I knew that I felt a strong pull towards working closer to the client. PDS affords me the opportunity to build meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships with clients which I find to be one of the more gratifying aspects of this career.


How do you think PDS Planning is different from other financial planning firms?

What makes PDS different from other financial planning firms is the professional and personal culture that is cultivated from the top down. I’m a firm believer in how you do one thing is how you do everything. PDS operates by providing a superior client experience, no matter how big or small the task, while tirelessly working internally to improve processes and procedures that benefit the team and client.


What is your favorite aspect of working at PDS?

My favorite aspect of working at PDS is the collaboration and teamwork. There are decades worth of experience between the advisors and staff members at PDS. When you combine the industry experience with their open-door policy, you’re left with the unique opportunity to absorb a wealth of knowledge. I learn something new each day I come into work, and I have my colleagues to thank for this. If the goal is attempting to become 1% better each day in hopes of compounding success over a lifetime, this work environment is a sure-fire way to achieve this.


Do you see anything new on the horizon of the financial planning industry?

An easy default is regulatory updates and best practices that govern our industry. Change is one of the few constants in life and being mindful and proactive towards these updates is pivotal to not only the company’s efficacy but the overall client experience, too. Another “new” item I see for the industry is how we speak to clients. As markets fluctuate, life events unfold, etc. there should always be a concerted effort towards understanding the unique emotions of each client.


Tell us about your family

My parents still reside in Northeast Ohio. I have one younger brother who lives in Columbus as well. I have been very fortunate to have a strong relationship with my family. I have always felt like I could count on them and continue to do so today.

How do you like to spend your free time when you are not working? 

I enjoy devoting time each day towards being active for both the physical and mental benefit. Depending on the day I’ll go to the gym, go for a run, or take my three-year-old dog, Sunny, for a hike. I am also an avid Cleveland Guardians fan and will always loyally support them no matter where they find themselves in the standings.


What are you reading/watching/listening to?

I’m currently reading “Courage is Calling” by Ryan Holiday.

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