Memorial Day 2021
Memorial Day is coming up on Monday, May 31st and, because of cookouts, warmer weather, and the long weekend, it’s generally highly anticipated and marked as the unofficial start to summer. It comes this year just days before all Ohio Covid health orders are removed and after the CDC has already stated those who are vaccinated can return to normal.
But Memorial Day is much more than an excuse to indulge or party, it is a national holiday set aside to remember men and women who have given their lives fighting for the freedoms and democracy we all enjoy. And often times, we seem to take for granted. We also recognize the sacrifices and loss suffered by the families they leave behind. Without their selflessness and bravery, we would not have the ability to enjoy our lives as we do now.
To learn more about why we celebrate Memorial Day, watch this short video published by TIME.
We encourage you to take time to reflect on the freedoms we have, the freedoms we’re still fighting for, and to thank all the men and women who are fighting for us. A national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time.
Be safe, and have a great Memorial Day weekend!
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