Market Commentary & Viewpoints

Coronavirus Selloff: March 12, 2020 Financial Markets Commentary

March 12, 2020


There is an old adage on Wall Street: the market goes up the escalator and down the elevator.  Stock gains tend to be small, relatively steady things accumulating over years like we have experienced since the start of the bull market in March, 2009.  Stock declines tend to be much quicker as markets respond to new information.

Coronavirus Ends the Bull Market

In this case, the coronavirus concerns and plummeting oil prices have caused the markets to drop like an elevator in unprecedented fashion, officially ending the 11 year bull market.  This is the fastest onset of a bear market ever; that is, the fastest that the U.S. stock market has experienced a decline of 20% or more going back to 1915.  The average number of days from peak to a 20% decline is 255, and the median is 156.  The recent market selloff reached this dubious achievement in just 17 trading sessions.  By contrast, the fabled 1929 market downturn took 36 sessions.

It appears that today will be another tough day for markets as the virus continues to spread and global growth slows.  It will be difficult to watch and many investors will ask, should we get out now to avoid more losses?  We suggest to not allow emotions to drive your investment decisions.  Yes, these are tough times, but we believe in Inside Information’s Bob Veres recent comments:  “It is not a good idea to sell when everyone else is selling, just like it isn’t a winning strategy to buy stocks when everyone else is wildly bullish.  The best strategy is the ride out the downturn and experience the eventually subsequent upturn – which may come tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.”  It’s time like these when having a high quality financial planner is priceless.

Health Accommodations at PDS Planning

For the health and safety of our clients and employees, we remind you that we are able to meet with clients in the office or via phone and screen share, if needed.  Please keep this in mind if you would like to meet but are hesitant to come into the office.




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