Beyond Your Finances

Creative Ways to Celebrate Independence Day

July 2, 2020

Creative Ways to Celebrate Independence Day

Amidst a culmination of crises, many of us seek at least the feeling of a return to normalcy.  This year, we’ll need to change many traditions typically associated with commemorating America’s birthday.  Rather than dwelling on festivities that are canceled, embrace the opportunity this year presents to create new ways to celebrate.

Celebrate in the Kitchen

Prepare some red, white, and blue treats using strawberries, raspberries, and cherries, vanilla ice cream, marshmallows, and whipped cream, and blueberries.  With a little food coloring or sprinkles, any dish can be turned patriotic.  See 4th of July recipes HERE.

Decorate and Dress Up

Whether it’s simply flying your American flag proudly or wearing red, white, and blue, decorate your home and yourself.  A colorful and nostalgic project is tie-dying, with tips HERE.

Socially-Distanced Parade

For a neighborhood activity, organize a neighborhood march or parade.  After your home is decorated and you’re dressed in stars and stripes, grab your flag and noisemakers for a march.  You can also decorate bikes, wagons, and strollers to make this year’s 4th of July feel special.

Watch Fireworks Onscreen

Many cities have cancelled their festivities, including fireworks displays.  This year, enjoy the spectacle from the comfort of your couch on TV.

  • Macy’s pre-recorded fireworks show from New York City will be televised on July 4th at 8 p.m. Eastern on NBC.
  • Washington D.C.’s “A Capital Fourth” display will also be televised on July 4th at 8 p.m. Eastern on PBS, Facebook, and YouTube.

Patriotic Movie Night

There is no shortage of patriotic films.  From sci-fi like “Independence Day” to action like “Top Gun”, to animated like “An American Tale” to nostalgic baseball like “The Sandlot”, a themed movie night is a safe and fun way to celebrate.  The big-screen version on Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway musical “Hamilton” is available to stream on Disney+ beginning July 3rd.  See a list of 4th of July movies HERE.

Register to Vote

Perhaps the most patriotic way to celebrate our freedoms is to make sure you’re registered to vote.  With what feels like a lack of control over many aspects of our lives (more so currently than usual), make sure your voice is heard in the upcoming elections.


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