PDS Planning Employee Spotlight – Kevin Doll, CFP®

The newest addition to the PDS Planning team, Kevin Doll, CFP®, brings over 20 years of experience as a Registered Investment Advisor with him. Throughout that time, he has worked on a fee-only basis with a range of clients that include next gen, high net worth, business owners, lawyers, doctors and dentists, and more. “I enjoy guiding people along their financial life journeys so they can enjoy their passions,” Kevin notes, “knowing they have an advisor keeping them on the path towards their goals and dreams.”

Kevin earned his MS & BS in Family Financial Management, Summa Cum Laude, with Honors and Distinction from The Ohio State University, before going on to work with the largest independent RIA in Columbus for more than 18 years. In that role he led client relationships, developed the next generation of advisors, and served as an expert in various financial planning areas. He also spent over 5 years as an adjunct faculty member at Franklin University, teaching a variety of courses in financial planning.

At PDS, we are proud to have a team of forward-thinking leaders, expert planners, and staff who approach our clients’ financial decisions the same way we approach investing our own money. Learn more about Kevin’s role with PDS, as well as about how he spends his time away from work.

What made you decide to join PDS Planning?

I have a deep passion for building relationships with clients and colleagues. I enjoy guiding people along their financial life journeys so they can enjoy their passions. I take pride in understanding each client’s unique circumstances and working with my team to develop and implement strategies that provide them with peace of mind and help them achieve financial independence.

I believe financial planning is more than just investment advice and PDS gives me an opportunity to use my extensive planning background to spend more time on the financial issues clients face.  We are planners first, and while investments are an important aspect of the long-term success of our clients, it’s the planning that builds relationships and long-term wealth.

I’ve always had a passion for teaching and PDS gives me the opportunity to help clients understand the “why” behind their financial journeys. I also have enthusiasm for teaching the next generation of advisors. Seeing new advisors develop and watching their growth is hugely rewarding.


How do you think PDS Planning is different from other financial planning firms?

We are fiduciaries and work on a fee-only basis, so not only do we have a legal obligation to serve our clients’ best interest, but our only revenue is the transparent fee our clients pay. We put our clients’ interests before our own and we are one of the only firms of our size that charges a fee based on the scope of our services instead of the size of a client’s portfolio.

This approach limits any conflicts of interest and it also means more money in our clients’ hands to do the things they love. PDS also tends to go deeper into most planning areas than most “financial planners” do, especially when it comes to tax planning and the tax efficiency of client portfolios.


What is your favorite aspect of working at PDS?

I’ve only been here a month, but I can already tell that PDS truly cares about the staff and our clients.  They genuinely want to help in any way they can, are eager to learn and grow, and everyone here is excited to pitch in and step up whenever needed. One of the reasons I made a move to PDS was because I wanted a smaller, more family-like firm where I knew everyone’s name and where everyone felt valued in the work they did. I believe that PDS truly wants the best for everyone here and everyone we help.


Do you see anything new on the horizon of the financial planning industry?

There have been rumblings over the past 5 to 10 years about “robo-advisors” taking over the industry. While there are certainly more do-it-yourselfers out there today than a decade or two ago, I believe most still want honest, objective advice from experts even if they might do some of it on their own.

The fiduciary, fee-only model will probably become the predominant way by which most advisors practice because it’s what clients want. But I also believe clients will start to shift to advisors that don’t just manage money and prefer the fee for service model versus paying an AUM fee.


Tell us about your family

I met my wife Laura in 2009. We were married in 2014 and have a 7-year-old Golden Retriever named Porter and a 20-year-old cat named Quieey. We both grew up in the Cleveland area and have nieces and nephews we visit along with my brother, Laura’s sister, and our parents.

I unfortunately lost my sister at age 41 to breast cancer earlier this year and she is a large part of why I made a change to PDS.  She gave me the courage to get over my fear of change and some of her last words to me were, you need to find a way to be happy. I believe my move to PDS is a huge step in that direction


When you are not working, how do you like to spend your free time? 

We are unfortunately Cleveland sporting fans 😉 and I am an avid Buckeyes and Crew fan, so we will watch our teams whenever we can. Laura and I enjoy hiking and kayaking, having hiked and camped in over 25 National Parks with Glacier, Arches, and Yosemite being three of our favorites. Porter is probably one of the luckiest dogs in the world because she is almost always a part of our adventures.

I enjoy playing golf whenever I can, attending Columbus Crew games, and participating in local community theater and vocal groups. Laura and I also appreciate the arts, enjoy visiting the arts festivals around Ohio and attend many local live theater and arts events, including the Columbus Broadway Series.


What are you reading/watching/listening to?

I have to be honest, I do not read much as I prefer to spend my free time outside. I love a good drama or action movie and really appreciate shows like The Voice and America’s Got Talent. Watching people live their dreams and pursue their passions and seeing an amazing performance is always rewarding to me.


Are you involved with PDS Cares

I plan to be. I volunteer with several organizations including A Kid Again and Pink Warrior Advocates, a charity my sister started when she was first diagnosed with cancer where her legacy continues to live on. I am also active in several other community events and organizations and have a passion for financial literacy.

connect with Kevin on linkedin

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