In recognizing that managing finances is simply the fuel to help you pursue your passions and spend time with the ones you love, we regularly share “What’s Happening at PDS” to let you know what our staff has been up to, both professionally and personally.
Laurie and Phil Licata are proud first-time grandparents! Greyson John Unger was born July 26, 2018 and was 9lb. 7oz. and 21 inches.
Thank you to those who were able to attend our annual client appreciation Columbus Clippers baseball game on August 7th!
Beth, A.J., and Archie McCampbell have been enjoying the summer at their new home and with a trip to Colorado in June. The picture on the right was taken from one of the ’14ers’ – Pike’s Peak with an elevation of 14,110 feet.
Kurt, Megan, and Luca (17 months) Brown enjoyed their annual summer vacation to Lake Cumberland, KY. Luca loved spending time with Grandma and Grandpa on the boat.
Dean, Abbey, Preston (11), and Noah (9) Schuler have made the most of their summer with time in Florida. The highlights were wakeboarding at a lake in Tampa where the boys were not afraid of snakes, turtles, or gators and a dolphin tour at Clearwater Beach. The boys also wanted to show off their cat, “Batman”.
Tom, Kathy, Adam (7) and Dean (3) Ellison have been enjoying their summer with trips to Waldameer Amusement Park in Erie, PA, Lakeside, OH, and a Reds game where Adam asked “Is this all you do at a baseball game is snack?”
Jamie, Terri, Evan (9), and Caitlyn (6) Menges enjoyed a summer vacation in Miromar Lakes, FL. Dad won the match of putt-putt!
Chris Itsell (husband of Rita Itsell) won the Metal Award for his sculpture “Refraction” at the Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition
Bob and Susan Cochran‘s Beautyview Gardens is now closed for the season after another enjoyable year sharing their award-winning daylily garden with hundreds of garden enthusiasts. Bob and Susan will be spending the next few months working hard at digging and dividing plants, and purchasing and planting new cultivars for next year.
“Bring your dog to work Friday” has provided new energy to the office this summer. This week, Rita Itsell‘s dog, Rosco, joined us. At 8 years old, he is a little more relaxed than Laurie Licata‘s 2-year old granddog, Barrett, was during his visit where Jamie Menges enjoyed riling him up.
Alyssa Anderson and Beth McCampbell attended the Financial Planning Association’s NexGen conference in Santa Barbara, CA in June.
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