PDS News

Wedding Bells are Ringing!

March 29, 2016

Originally published March 29, 2016

Wedding Bells are Ringing!

It is wedding season and those bells are ringing especially loud in my ears.  With my oldest getting married in July and my middle daughter just engaged in February (with a 2017 wedding on the horizon), how do I financially cope??  Being so focused on paying for college, my husband and I didn’t anticipate the weddings would happen so soon after college graduation.

I guess my first bit of advice would be to breathe.  This is a happy issue to deal with.  I am sure I’m like most in wanting to give my child a beautiful wedding that they will always remember.

The best place for us to start was to come up with a realistic amount that we were willing and able to contribute towards the wedding.  Then we had a heart-to-heart conversation with our child and their soon-to-be spouse so that together we could come to an agreement on how much to budget for the wedding.   The good news is that most parents of the groom are willing to contribute towards the wedding.  Gone are the days of dowries.

All in all, be prepared to go a little over your initial budget no matter how hard you try.  The last minute additions and unexpected expenses are unavoidable.  So if you can, build a contingency into your initial budget.

And yes, I have a 3rd daughter too!!  Quit smiling.


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