Reopening Announcement

We trust our PDS client families are in good health and taking time to enjoy the outdoors after the Spring pandemic limited those activities.  It may have been the events of the pandemic or just overlooked in the past, but the colors of the new season appear much brighter.  Enjoy!

Last month we shared the news of our move to the new Dublin office.  Since the opening of our new office, the PDS team began working part-time from the space.  We realized while being at home in our comfortable clothes was nice, the camaraderie of our group was missed.  Now it’s time to pull off the yoga and sweat pants and get back to the office full-time.

Reopening for In-Person Client Meetings July 6th

On Monday, July 6th, the PDS team will be returning to the office, and we will reopen for in-person client meetings.  We understand not everyone will be comfortable with office meetings. Therefore, we will continue to offer virtual meetings as an ongoing alternative.  As a way to minimize the safety risks for our staff and clients, we will limit the number office meetings on any given day.  Meeting attendees and staff will be asked to follow CDC office protocol and we will offer conference room meetings to accommodate for greater social distancing.  If you are scheduled for a meeting in our office, you will receive a communication on the safety requirements prior to arriving for your meeting. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Client Appreciation Events Cancelled for 2020

With continual changes to limitations that the COVID pandemic has had on our usual activities and while we work to find a new normal, PDS has made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Clippers and Columbus Zoo events for 2020.

We enjoy the nature of these events being open to social contact and, with the current status of our social protocols in large groups, it made more sense to limit the safety risks and cancel the events for 2020.  As have many of you, we always look forward to these events which will be missed this year but will look ahead at planning our events for 2021.

Our Updated Contact Information

Lastly, please update your records with our new information.  Our P.O. Box should be used to mail any correspondence.  Our main phone and fax numbers did not change.

Office Address:

475 Metro Pl S, Suite 460 | Dublin | Ohio | 43017

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 3490 | Dublin | Ohio | 43016


(614) 481-8449


(855) 805-3508

Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment, strategy, or product or any non-investment related content, made reference to directly or indirectly in this newsletter, will be suitable for your individual situation, or prove successful. This material is distributed by PDS Planning, Inc. and is for information purposes only.  Although information has been obtained from and is based upon sources PDS Planning believes to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy.  It is provided with the understanding that no fiduciary relationship exists because of this report.  Opinions expressed in this report are not necessarily the opinions of PDS Planning and are subject to change without notice.  PDS Planning assumes no liability for the interpretation or use of this report. Consultation with a qualified investment advisor is recommended prior to executing any investment strategy. No portion of this publication should be construed as legal or accounting advice.  If you are a client of PDS Planning, please remember to contact PDS Planning, Inc., in writing, if there are any changes in your personal/financial situation or investment objectives.  All rights reserved.