Because of the barbeques, long weekend, and warmer temperatures, Memorial Day is often anticipated and hailed as the unofficial start of summer. And for those fashion sticklers among us, it becomes the acceptable kickoff date for wearing white for the next few months.
But Memorial Day is so much more than an excuse to indulge or to simply be cute, it is a national holiday set aside to remember men and women who’ve given the ultimate sacrifice, their very lives, in fighting for the freedoms and democracy we all enjoy.
My generation, X and beyond, has been quite fortunate. Knock on wood. We have been much less impacted in sheer numbers by war than our parents and grandparents before us. Yet, no matter the number, if you’ve lost even one loved one in service, his or her death feels like one death too many.
Here are some informative facts:
We greatly appreciate the sacrifices of the men and women who gave their lives for the many liberties we so freely enjoy. And often times, we seem to take for granted. We also recognize the sacrifices and loss suffered by the families they leave behind. Without their selflessness and bravery, we would not have the ability to enjoy our lives as we do now.
I encourage you to view this interesting short video on the origin, history, and traditions of Memorial Day. One of the cities claiming to be an originator of this solemn day of remembrance honoring the fallen happens to be from where my family hails: Columbus, Mississippi.
I hope you all enjoy the upcoming Memorial Day weekend and take a moment to reflect on how blessed we truly are! And if you get a chance, participate in a truly awesome event like the Field of Heroes held in Westerville, OH with meaningful events taking place all weekend long.