30 Years, 30 Gifts: Lettuce Work

August 20, 2015

PDS Clients, Tom and Peggy Dlusky, brought Lettuce Work to the attention of PDS CARES to be considered for a donation through the PDS CARES 30 Years, 30 Gifts program. Tom and Peggy’s grandson, Noah, is an adult with autism and currently employed by Lettuce Work in New Albany. Tom says “we can tell you first-hand what a change there has been in Noah since he has worked there.” Recently, ThisWeek Hilliard Northwest News published an article about the program, which you can read at ThisWeek – Lettuce Work. The article not only features photos of Noah during his work day, but also gives the reader a brief but solid snapshot of this local program, created specifically for adults with autism, founded by Doug and Julie Sharp of Johnstown.
PDS CARES would like to thank Tom and Peggy for bringing Lettuce Work to us as a nominee. We feel privileged to have learned about the Lettuce Work Foundation and their involvement in our community. PDS CARES is happy to announce that we have selected the Lettuce Work Foundation as our Week 11 recipient of a donation through the PDS CARES 30 Years, 30 Gifts charitable gifting program.
1 out of 88 children born today will be diagnosed with autism. Adults with autism struggle to find employment and support. How will they care for themselves in the future?
At Lettuce Work, they have an answer.
To find out more visit: http://www.lettucework.org/
PDS CARES “30 Years, 30 Gifts” is a charitable gifting program which will make donations to thirty 501(c)(3) charities in 2015 in celebration of PDS Planning, Inc’s 30th year anniversary.

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