In recognizing that managing finances is simply the fuel to help you pursue your passions and spend time with the ones you love, we regularly share “What’s Happening at PDS” to let you know what our staff has been up to, both professionally and personally.


We officially retired and honored Bob Hamilton, Jim Hamilton and Bob Cochran in October last year to celebrate the wonderful foundation they built at PDS Planning!



You can read Bob Cochran‘s reflections on his first 8 months of retirement in his recent blog post, “Living a Rewarding Retirement: Settling into Retirement.”

He and his wife, Susan, curators of Beautyview Gardens, will be having their open garden days on Saturdays from June 16th through July 28th from 10-2 and a special two-day weekend on July 7th and 8th.  Visitors will get to see the first of more than 600 varieties of daylilies, with more starting to bloom every day.


Ciera Frazier’s baby girl, Skylar, is 3 months old, and she enjoys eating her hands and being talked to by mommy. She also loves long walks and short naps!


Tom Ellison and family spent spring break in Myrtle Beach, SC. The highlight of the trip was “Pirate Adventures” (an interactive pirate ship treasure hunt for kids).


Laurie Licata extended her stay in Arizona after the FPA Retreat conference and was joined by two of her daughters. They enjoyed hiking Devil’s Bridge in Sedona, AZ and then ventured on to the Grand Canyon.


Jamie Menges’ son, Evan, and his grandpa won 3rd place in a local Dublin fishing tournament!


Rita Itsell and her husband, Chris, celebrated 30 years together in NYC. Congratulations!


Save The Date! Our Annual Client Appreciation Event at The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium will be on Saturday, September 15th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm.



Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment, strategy, or product or any non-investment related content, made reference to directly or indirectly in this newsletter, will be suitable for your individual situation, or prove successful. This material is distributed by PDS Planning, Inc. and is for information purposes only.  Although information has been obtained from and is based upon sources PDS Planning believes to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy.  It is provided with the understanding that no fiduciary relationship exists because of this report.  Opinions expressed in this report are not necessarily the opinions of PDS Planning and are subject to change without notice.  PDS Planning assumes no liability for the interpretation or use of this report. Consultation with a qualified investment advisor is recommended prior to executing any investment strategy. No portion of this publication should be construed as legal or accounting advice.  If you are a client of PDS Planning, please remember to contact PDS Planning, Inc., in writing, if there are any changes in your personal/financial situation or investment objectives.  All rights reserved.